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The Lexicon contains 8 instances of abithabi as a complete word
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(tradition / date)
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(A2 / n.d. NS)
1lukhà abithabi {8} coüïa città gvàkhayà nàma word for a small opening remained in the left and the right sede of a door
(A2 / n.d. NS)
1målaparvvatayà abithabi ïosyaü coügva parvvatacàto dvàko pàdà dhàye all hillocks surrounded near and far of a main mountain is called pàdà
(A2 / 662 NS)
1måla parvvatayà abithabi ïosyaü {6} coügva parvvatacàtoü dvàkoü pàdà dhàye From A2b_804: all hillocks surrounded near and far of a main mountain is called pàdà
(no trad. / 718 NS)
1dhada abithabi dàte middle of this and that task
(no trad. / 718 NS)
2abithabi; here and there
(A2 / 803 NS)
1lukhà abithabi coügva città gvàkha From A2b_763: word for a small opening remained in the left and the right sede of a door
(A2 / 803 NS)
1måla parvvatayà abithabi ïàsyaü coügva parvvatacà {5} dvàko pàdà dhàya; all hillocks surrounded near and far of a main mountain is calle pàdà
(A2 / 803 NS)
1abithabi this and that side
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