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Search manuscript block (Newari) for >> pi-ta- anywhere within a word
The Lexicon contains 2 words with pi-ta- anywhere within the word
(click on word to see instance)
pi-ta- : 1 pi-ta-di : 2
The Lexicon contains 3 instances of pi-ta- anywhere within a word
(click on manuscript to see details)

pi-ta- anywhere within pi-ta- (back to top of list)
(tradition / date)
phrase NewariEnglish
(A1 / 637 NS)
1thvate pi-ta- a-s'rama these are four types of stages of life

pi-ta- anywhere within pi-ta-di (back to top of list)
(tradition / date)
phrase NewariEnglish
(no trad. / 591 NS)
1va-ta pi-ta-di s'ari-ran*a {5} pim*luran^gva rasa a-di s'abdana wind, bile etc. fluid come out of the body, with the word etc.
(no trad. / 718 NS)
4rakta s'ukla pi-ta-di red, white yellow etc.
Search manuscript block (Newari) for >> pi-ta- anywhere within a word
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