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Search manuscript block (Newari) for >> paripa-t*ina anywhere within a word
The Lexicon contains 5 instances of paripa-t*ina anywhere within a word
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(tradition / date)
phrase NewariEnglish
(A2 / 506 NS)
1{2} paripa-t*ina n^ha-cake to proceed with a tradition
(A2 / 506 NS)
1kaka-ra-nta a-dipam* paripa-t*ina ks*aka-ra-ntatovu {4} talata- artha mogva s'abda dva-ko thva vargasa lha-ye jurom* all collect words of plural meaning have been described in the varga with the tradition of K - ending etc. to Ks* - ending
(A2 / n.d. NS)
1{10} paripa-t*ina n^hya-cake to proceed with a tradition
(A2 / n.d. NS)
1kaka-ra-nta a-di-pam* paripa-t*ina ks*aka-ra-ntatovum* talata- artha mum*n^a {90b.1} s'abda dva-koya- thva varggasa lha-ye all collected words of plural meaning would be described in this varga with the tradition of K - ending etc. to Ks* - ending
(A2 / 662 NS)
1kaka-ra-nta {97b.1} a-dipam* paripa-t*ina ks*aka-ra-ntatovum* talata- artha mogva s'abda dva-ko thva vargasa ka-ya juro all collected words of plural meaning have been taken in this varga with the tradition of K - ending etc. to Ks* - ending
Search manuscript block (Newari) for >> paripa-t*ina anywhere within a word
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