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Search manuscript block (Newari) for >> pum*lim* anywhere within a word >> manuscript block with pum*lim*
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manuscript . block number : A5.4001 -- folio . line : 125a.1 -- tradition : A2 -- 662 NS -- 1542 AD
Sanskrit {125a.1} stri- napum*sakayorbha-vakriyaryoh* s*yan~a kvacicca vun~ auritya ociti- maitram* vun~a pra-guda-hr*tah*
phrase Newari English
1thvate pum*lim*ga majuva {2} stri-lim*ga pum*lim*ga tu juva From A2_4006: these could not be masculine gender, these become feminine and masculine gender
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1ML : manuscript longer than Sharma
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Sanskritstri-napum*sakayorbha-vakriyayoh* s*yan~ kvacicca vun~ /
synonymSanskrit Nepali English
1x stri-napum*sakayoh* (aba upra-ntaka- s'abda stri-lin^gama- ra kli-balin^gama- rahancahn. yo adhika-ra vacana ho.) bha-vakriyayoh* s*yan~ stri- napum*sakayoh* (bha-va ra karmama- vidha-na garine s*yan~ pratyaya antyama- hune s'abda stri-lin^ga ra napum*sakalin^gama- rahanchan) the following are feminine and neuter, viz., nouns in s*yan~, sometimes
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1SH : no message
jastai - ucitasya bha-vah* karma va- - aucityam - auciti-. mitrasya bha-vah* karma va- - maitryam, maitri-. capalasya bha-vah* karma va- - ca-palyam ca-pali- can~calasya bha-vah* karma va- ca-n~calyam, ca-n~cali- itya-di.
(from compilation)
2HC : from H.T. Colebrook
note: "Nouns in s*yan~, (ya), or vun~ (aka), with the abstract or the passive import, are commonly fem. and neut. but sometimes fem. only; and sometimes neut. Ex. aucityam* auciti-, propriety. maitryam*, maitri-, friendship. va-rddhakam*, va-rddhaka-, old age." (p.400)
(from compilation)
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Lexicon Main Browse Index Use installed Classical Sanskrit font Edit A5.4001 Show image of A5.125a