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Search manuscript block (Newari) for >> ha-va anywhere within a word >> instances of word dha-varape >> manuscript block with dha-varape
manuscript block containing search term dha-varape
manuscript . block number : A7.3067 -- folio . line : 154a.6 -- tradition : A2 -- 803 NS -- 1683 AD
Sanskrit {6} indriya-n*ya'smavikr*tih* s'abdayonis'ca dha-vatah* - dha-tu
phrase Newari English hom no
1va-tu, pitta, s'les*ma wind, bile, phelgm
2pr*thvi-, a-pa, teja earth, water, fire
3caks*u s'rota-di eye, ear etc.
4{7} as*t*aloha-di, eight metal etc.
5gairika manas'ila-di red chalk, red arsenic etc.
6s'abda dha-varape to finish ? word
comment / problem
1MS : manuscript shorter than Sharma
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(from compilation)
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Sanskrits'les*ma-di rasarakta-di maha-bhu-ta-ni tadgun*a-h* / indriya-n*yas'mavikr*tih* s'abdayonis'ca dha-tavah* //65//
HomonymSanskrit Skt. meaning Nepali English
1dha-tu s'les*ma-di kapha, va-ta, pitta i- 3 phelgm, wind, bile
2dha-tu rasarakta-di rasa, rakta, ma-m*sa, meda, asthi, majja-, s'ukra i- 7 blood, flesh, marrow
3dha-tu maha-bhu-ta pr*thvi-, jala, teja, va-yu, a-ka-s'a i- 5 maha-bhu-ta the primary elements; earth, water, fire, air, and ether
4dha-tu tadgun*a (bhu-tagun*a) bhu-tagun*a, gandha, rasa, ru-pa, spars'a s'abda i- 5 the qualities; odour, flavour, colour, touch and sound
5dha-tu indriya indriya the organs of sense, nose, tongue, eye, skin and ear
6dha-tu as'mavikr*ti pa-s*a-n*avika-ra, geru harita-la manah*s'ila- itya-di fossils
7dha-tu s'abdayoni(dha-tu) s'abdaprakr*ti, bhu-satta-ya-m, edha vr*ddhau, itya-di vya-karan*a prasiddha dha-tu. i- 7 ko na-ma root of words; crude verb
comment / problem
1CO : no message
The main meaning of HC is only "principle of the body".
(from compilation)
2HC : from H.T. Colebrook
note: "7. metal". (p.319)
(from compilation)
3SE : repetition of part of another (usually, the previous) block
no comment
(from compilation)
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Search manuscript block (Newari) for >> ha-va anywhere within a word >> instances of word dha-varape >> manuscript block with dha-varape
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