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manuscript block containing search term gana
manuscript . block number : A7.3892 -- folio . line : 185a.2 -- tradition : A2 -- 803 NS -- 1683 AD
Sanskrit arthąntąž prątyalaüprąptąpannapårvvąž paropagąž
phrase Newari English
1paropagą {3} (vącyaliügaž?) arthąntasa; (word) governed by other is an adjectival when the word artha (for) is at the end
2prądi, pårvvasa thvalva; prądi is preceded
3alaü ÷abda pårvvasa thvalva, the word alaü is preceded
4prąpta ÷abda pårvva, the word prąpta precedes
5ąpanna ÷abda pårvvaž, the word ąpanna precedes
6thvate ļhathva {4} padayą liüganaü lithva padayą liüga juyu these are to be gender of later word by the gender of preceding word
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1ML : manuscript longer than Sharma
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synonymSanskrit Nepali English
1x arthąntąž ÷abdąž paropagąž bhavanti (artha ÷abda antyamą hune tatpuruła samąsa gareką ÷abda vi÷ełyanighnaliļgć hunchan) that of an other term is followed in certain compounds
comment / problem
1SH : no message
jastai - dvijąya ayam - dvijąrthaž såpaž [brąhmaõaką nimittako dąla] yahą§ dvijąrtha ÷abda vi÷ełya såpa ÷abdako anusąra puüliļgć bhayo. "dvijąya iyam - dvijąrthą rasąlą" [brąhmaõaką nimittako ÷ikharnć] yahą§ rasąlą ÷abdako anusąra dvijąrtha ÷abda strćliļgć bhayo. "dvijąya idam - dvijąrtha - payaž" [bąhunaką nimittako dådha yą pąnć] yahą§ payas ÷abdako anusąra dvijąrtha ÷abda klćbaliļgć bhayo ityądi.
(from compilation)
2HC : from H.T. Colebrook
note: "Viz. Those ending in the word artha (as brąhmaõąrthaž, brąhmaõąrthą, brąhmaõąrthaü, intended for a brąhmaõa): and compound terms beginning with ma and certain other terms. (Ex. ala¤jćvikaž, ala¤jćviką, ala¤jćvikaü, competent to a livelihood): and compound terms containing a numeral, and terminated by an affix peculiar to derivatives from nouns: (Ex. pa¤cakapąlaž, pa¤cakapąlaką, pa¤cakapąlakaü, prepared in five posts). They agree in gender with another term." (p.402)
(from compilation)
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Lexicon Main Browse Index Use browser default font No image for A7.185a