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manuscript block containing search term ks*atri
manuscript . block number : A2b.2564 -- folio . line : 75b.7 -- tradition : A2 -- n.d. NS -- n.d. AD
Sanskrit bra-hman*am* ks*atriya-tsu-tah*
phrase Newari English
1ma-ma bramhun*i- {8} ba-pa ks*atri thvaya- ka-ya su-ta dha-ya From A2_2451: a son of these whose mother is Brahman*a and father Ks*atriya is called Su-ta
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Sanskritbra-hman*ya-m* ks*atriya-tsu-tah*
synonymSanskrit Nepali English
1su-ta su-ta (bra-hman*i-ma- janmeka- ks*atriya santa-na) charioteer
comment / problem
1HC : from H.T. Colebrook
note: "From the 2nd and 1st". (p.248)
(from compilation)
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