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Amarakosa reference passage
from: Sharma Gautam, Kulacandra 1969 Amarakosa: Vidvadvaramarasim*ha viracita.
Kathmandu: Royal Nepal Academy, VS 2026. (1969)

kanda . varga . sloka . sequence :
Sanskritva-gbheda-stu tris*u-ttare //17// rus'ati- va-gakalya-n*i-
synonymSanskrit Nepali English
1rus'ati- alacchini- boli- inauspicious discourse
comment / problem
1SH : no message
uttare va-gbheda-h* tris*u (aba upra-nta kahine vacana vis'es*a va-caka s'abda vis'es*yanighnalin^gi- chan) akalya-n*i- va-k rus'ati- (alacchini- va-n*i- rus'ati- kahinche) yaha-m^ vis'es*ya va-n*i- stri-lin^gi- huna-le rus'ati- s'abda stri-lin^gi- bhayo. "rus'an s'abdah*" yaha-m^ vis'es*ya s'abda s'abda bamojima pum*lin^gi- bhayo "rus'at vacanam" yaha-m^ vacana s'abda bamojima kli-balin^gi- bhayo itya-di.
(from compilation)
2SP : no message
has "inauspicious speech"
(from compilation)
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The Lexicon contains 4 manuscript citations that reference
(click on manuscript to see details)
(tradition / date)
phrase Newari English
(A2 / 506 NS)
1ava {21b.1} lha-ko vacanaya-vum* anya-rthasa a-dipam* juram*n^a-va va-cyalim*ga sehvana it is to be known adjectival when there is other meanings etc. of the words mentioned now
(A2 / n.d. NS)
1a-va lha-kva vacanaya-vum* {3} myam*va arthasa livana yojaraparan^a-va va-cyalin^ga sehuna it is to be known adjectival when there it added later in other meanings of the words mentioned now
(A2 / 662 NS)
1a-va lha-kva vacanavum* myem*va arthasa livane yojaraparan^a- vava-cyalin^gah* {6} sehuna From A2b_364: it is to be known adjectival when there it added later in other meanings of the words mentioned now
(A2 / 803 NS)
1ava lha-ko vacanavum* myava arthasa livane yojalaperan^a-va {5} va-cyalin^ga- sehune it is to be known adjectival when there it added later in other meanings of the words mentioned now
 2sarvva- lin^ga kha matter of all gender
kanda    varga
sloka    sequence number

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