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Search manuscript block (Newari) for >> kvasa anywhere within a word >> manuscript block A4.287 with kvasa >> related Amarakosa reference passage
Amarakosa reference passage
from: Sharma Gautam, Kulacandra 1969 Amarakosa: Vidvadvaramarasim*ha viracita.
Kathmandu: Royal Nepal Academy, VS 2026. (1969)

kanda . varga . sloka . sequence :
Sanskrittris*va-heyam* vis*a-sthya-di
synonymSanskrit Nepali English
1a-heya sarpa sambandhi vastu (vis*a ka-m^culi- ha-d*akhora d*asa-i- itya-di) belonging to a snake
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1SH : no message
yo s'abda vis'es*yanighna cha
(from compilation)
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The Lexicon contains 7 manuscript citations that reference
(click on manuscript to see details)
(tradition / date)
phrase Newari English
(A2 / 506 NS)
1bi-ya-ke upajarapau {3} a-dipam* a-heya dha-ye va-cyalim*ga things came out from a snake is called a-heya. It is adjectival
(A2 / n.d. NS)
1biya-kena upajarapu vis*a a-dipam* a-heya dha-ye va-cyalim*ga sehuna poison etc. come out of a snake is called a-heya. It is to be known adjectival
(A1 / 550 NS)
1bi kosa, vis*a, khuluya- na-ma word for bone of snake, poison, slough
(no trad. / 591 NS)
1vyasa kvasa set*om* bi-ya- sathvadhi- poison, bone, skin relating to a snake
(A2 / 662 NS)
1biya-ke upajarapu vis*a a-dipam* a-heya dha-ye, va-cyalim*ga sehune From A2b_530: poison etc. come out of a snake is called a-heya. It is to be known adjectival
(no trad. / 718 NS)
1biya-kena dava vis*aya- na-ma word for poison come out of a snake
(A2 / 803 NS)
1biya- mhana {2} ja-yarapo vis*a a-na a-hyeya dha-ya, biya- mhana ja-yarupukva vastu va-cyalin^ga seya poison etc. come out of the body of a snake is called a-heya. It is to be known adjectival things come out of the body of a snake
kanda    varga
sloka    sequence number

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