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Search manuscript block (Newari) for >> juro anywhere within a word >> manuscript block A6.2664 with juro >> related Amarakosa reference passage
Amarakosa reference passage
from: Sharma Gautam, Kulacandra 1969 Amarakosa: Vidvadvaramarasim*ha viracita.
Kathmandu: Royal Nepal Academy, VS 2026. (1969)

kanda . varga . sloka . sequence :
Sanskritvis'es*yanighnaih* sam*ki-rn*airna-na-rthairavyayairapi / lin^ga-disam*grahairvarga-h* sa-ma-nye vargasam*s'raya-h* //1//
synonymSanskrit Nepali English
1x sa-ma-nye (sa-dha-ran*a s'abdaka- sam*grahale yukta bhaeka- yasa ka-n*d*ama-) vis'es*yanighnaih* (vis'es*yava-caka s'abdaka- anusa-ra lin^ga hune s'abdale) sam*ki-rn*aih* (parasparama- sambandha, nabhaeka- chya-samisa garieka- s'abdale) na-na-rthaih* (aneka artha hune s'abdale) avyayaih* (avyaya a-, ca, itya-di s'abdale) lin^ga-disam*grahaih* (pratyaya-didva-ra- lin^gako paricaya hune s'abdale) vargasam*s'raya-h* (pu-rvokta svargavarga-dima- kahieka- vastuko sambandha bhaeka-) varga-h* (saja-ti-ya vastu va-caka s'abdaka- samu-ha) "vaks*yante" (bata-inechan)
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The Lexicon contains 8 manuscript citations that reference
(click on manuscript to see details)
(tradition / date)
phrase Newari English
(A2 / 506 NS)
1vis'es*yanighnavarga sam*ki-rn*n*avarga na-na-rthavarga avyayavargga lim*ga-disan^grahavargah* thvataivum* {2} lha-ye these are to be told: Vis'es*yanighnavarga (a class of words grouped together dependent on a substantive) San^ki-rrn*avarga (a class of miscellanious), Na-na-rthavarga (a class of homonymous words), Avyayavarga (a class of indiclinables) and lin^ga-disan^grahavarga (a class of collection of genders and others)
(A2 / n.d. NS)
1vis'es*yanighnavarga sam*ki-rn*n*avarga na-na-rthavarga avyayavargga lim*ga-disam*grahavargah* {8} thvatevum* lha-ya From A2_2567: these are to be told: Vis'es*yanighnavarga (a class of words grouped together dependent on a substantive) San^ki-rrn*avarga (a class of miscellanious), Na-na-rthavarga (a class of homonymous words), Avyayavarga (a class of indiclinables) and lin^ga-disan^grahavarga (a class of collection of genders and others)
(no trad. / 591 NS)
1{2} li-va lha-ye vargga jurom* Vargas are mentioned later
(A2 / 662 NS)
1{4} vis'es*yanighnavarga sam*ki-rn*n*avarga na-na-rthavarga avyayavarga lim*ga-disam*grahavarga thvatevum* lha-ye From A2_2567: these are to be told: Vis'es*yanighnavarga (a class of words grouped together dependent on a substantive) San^ki-rrn*avarga (a class of miscellanious), Na-na-rthavarga (a class of homonymous words), Avyayavarga (a class of indiclinables) and lin^ga-disan^grahavarga (a class of collection of genders and others)
(no trad. / 718 NS)
1mana citta bhim*n^a being good of mind and heart
(no trad. / 718 NS)
1a-vanali lha-ya vis'es*ana s'abda ks*eko vis'es*aram*pan^a- jurom* words now onward to tell are used adjectival specialised
kanda    varga
sloka    sequence number

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