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Search manuscript block (Newari) for >> bhinakam* anywhere within a word >> manuscript block A2b.3937 with bhinakam* >> related Amarakosa reference passage
Amarakosa reference passage
from: Sharma Gautam, Kulacandra 1969 Amarakosa: Vidvadvaramarasim*ha viracita.
Kathmandu: Royal Nepal Academy, VS 2026. (1969)

kanda . varga . sloka . sequence :
Sanskrita- pragr*hyah* smr*tau va-kyepi
HomonymSanskrit Skt. meaning Nepali English
1a- smr*ti smaran*a oh (remembering)
2a- va-kya va-kya-rambha commencing with
comment / problem
1HC : from H.T. Colebrook
has given in main meaning ah ! (angrily)
(from compilation)
2CO : no message
2- English gloss is supplied from SA.
(from compilation)
3SH : no message
yo dui arthako "a-" an^it (n^idbhinna) huna-le "nipa-ta eka-jana-n^" su-trale pragr*hyasam*jn~aka huncha ra prakr*tibha-va bhaikana sandhi ka-rya nahune huncha.
(from compilation)
4SH : no message
see pg. 260 expl. and fn.
(from compilation)
5HC : from H.T. Colebrook
note: "And 2. but (indicating a change), 3. and (collective)." (p.371)
(from compilation)
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The Lexicon contains 4 manuscript citations that reference
(click on manuscript to see details)
(tradition / date)
phrase Newari English hom no
(A2 / 506 NS)
1gam*jarapa- reproaching
 2lum*vam*n^a- remembering
 3notauya-, speaking
 4thutaisa a- these are a-
(A2 / n.d. NS)
1bhinakam* ka-ya to take well or much
 2gam*jarapa- reproaching
 3{2} lumam*n^a-; smr*tiput*hi remembering, reminding ?
 4notoya- speaking
 5pada va-kyasya-ditya-di va-kya, words sentences etc. speech
 6thvatesa a- these are a-
(A2 / 662 NS)
1gam*jarapa- reproaching
 2lum*vaga- remembered
 3notauya-, speaking
 4thvatesa {9} a- these are a-
(A2 / 803 NS)
1cim*tarapa- thinking
 2{2} lha-ya- spoken
 3sakele all
kanda    varga
sloka    sequence number

Search manuscript block (Newari) for >> bhinakam* anywhere within a word >> manuscript block A2b.3937 with bhinakam* >> related Amarakosa reference passage
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