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Search manuscript block (Newari) for >> ba-hi-ra anywhere within a word >> manuscript block A2b.265 with ba-hi-ra >> related Amarakosa reference passage
Amarakosa reference passage
from: Sharma Gautam, Kulacandra 1969 Amarakosa: Vidvadvaramarasim*ha viracita.
Kathmandu: Royal Nepal Academy, VS 2026. (1969)

kanda . varga . sloka . sequence :
Sanskritanyatra vijn~a-nam* s'ilpas'a-strayoh* /
synonymSanskrit Nepali English
1vijn~a-na 2 s'astrajn~a-na ra kala-kaus'ala knowledge of arts
comment / problem
1SH : no message
anyatra s'ilpas'a-strayoh* dhi-h* vijn~a-nam (aru vya-karan*a-di s'a-stra ra s'ilpas'a-stra (ka-rigari-)ma- pravi-n*a bhaeki- buddhi vijn~a-na kahinche)
(from compilation)
2HC : from H.T. Colebrook
note; "Or any knowledge, but that of theology". (p.34)
(from compilation)
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The Lexicon contains 7 manuscript citations that reference
(click on manuscript to see details)
(tradition / date)
phrase Newari English
(A1 / 501 NS)
1sakalata- seyu knowing everything
(A2 / 506 NS)
1moks*a ka-mana- ba-hiri ya-va na-na- bina-na gi-ta va-dya jya-kya- sayake s'a-strasa la-grape {17b.1} vijn~a-na dha-ye to engage in the scripture to learn different works of singing, playing instrument, excluded the wise of salvation, is called vijn~a-na
(A2 / n.d. NS)
1{5} moks*a jn~a-na ba-hi-ra bha-rapa-va na-na- vika-ra gi-ta va-dya jya-kya- s'a-strasa la-garape vijn~a-na dha-ya to engage in the scripture of the works of different forms of singing, playing instrument, thinking external the knowledge of salvation, is called vijn~a-na
(A1 / 550 NS)
1sakalata- seyu From A1_210: knowing everything
(A2 / 662 NS)
1moks*a ka-mana- ba-hirapam* na-na- bina-na gi-ta va-dya {3} jya-kya- sayake, s'a-strasa la-garape vijn~a-na dha-ye to engage in the scripture to learn different works of singing, playing instrument, excluded the wise of salvation, is called vijn~a-na
(no trad. / 718 NS)
1moks*a jn~a-na ba-hirapam* me(va?)ta- vijn~a-na other sciences excluding knowledge of salvation
(A2 / 803 NS)
1moks*a ba-hikana gi-ta, va-dya, na-na- jya- sayake s'a-strasa la-garape vijn~a-na dha-ya to engage in the scripture to learn different works of singing, playing instrument excluding salvation is called vijn~a-na
kanda    varga
sloka    sequence number

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